Unprotected or improperly protected electrical penetrations can allow fire and smoke to spread rapidly. These openings allow fire to travel between rooms easily, and can be one of the major reasons a fire gets out of control.
Electrical through-penetrations
Mechanical through-penetrations
Structural through-penetrations
Unpenetrated openings
Re-entries of existing firestops
Control or sway joints
Junctions between fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assemblies
Head-of-wall” (HOW) joints, where non-loadbearing wall assemblies meet floor assemblies
Firestopping is made up of fire-rated walls, floors or ceilings, cables or conduits that create penetrations in the fire-rated areas, and the materials used to seal these penetrations. The installers at Westcor Thermal will review the types and quantity of penetrations in your building and install a suitable firestopping application. We use A/D Fire Protection Systems, Hilti, 3M and PFP Partners products which exceed industry standards and requirements for firestopping.
To ensure your building is as safe as possible, call Westcor Thermal today. We provide assessments and are happy to work with you to create a customized solution for your space.
Westcor Thermal is an industry leader in high-quality spray insulation, fireproofing, firestopping and acoustic application services.